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Congress to hold hearings on transfer of military weapons to local cops

In the wake of the Ferguson protests, on September 9, 2014, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs will hold a public hearing on police militarization. There will be two panels: one composed of government employees who are involved in police militarization projects, and the second made up of non-state actors with interest in the controversial policy. The latter panel will hear testimony from police officers' unions, as well as a rep from the NAACP, a photojournalist who covered the Ferguson protests and police response, and Peter Kraska, one of the foremost experts on police militarization in the United States.

Here's the list of scheduled witnesses.

Panel I

The Honorable Alan F. Estevez
Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics // U.S. Department of Defense

Brian E. Kamoie
Assistant Administrator for Grant Programs // Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Karol Mason
Assistant Attorney, Office of Justice Programs // U.S. Department of Justice

Panel II

Chief Jim Bueermann
President // Police Foundation

Dr. Peter B. Kraska
Professor, School of Justice Studies // University of Eastern Kentucky

Mark Lomax
Executive Director // National Tactical Officers Association

Wiley Price
Photojournalist // The St. Louis American Newspaper

To Be Determined
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

The Senate hearing falls just after the close of an annual police militarization bonanza in Oakland, California, called Urban Shield.

Read the ACLU's report on police militarization.

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