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Malcolm X, the FBI and the NYPD

"The law applies to the enforcer, as well as those that are under the enforcement of the enforcer." — Malcolm X

Malcolm X would have been 87 years old today.

The video below is a conversation between Malcolm and some FBI agents, secretly recorded by the latter. When the FBI asks him to collaborate, Malcolm replies that his organization already helps the US government by working with the community to eradicate crime.  "And any way to help [you] out other than that, I wouldn't even know how to begin," he says.

The FBI tells him that they specifically want membership lists of the Nation of Islam, whereupon Malcolm gives them his phone number. "But that's like telling you the sun shines from the east," Malcolm says. "Well, no comment," the FBI agent replies.

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The following clip describes the NYPD's attempted infiltration and disruption of Malcolm's organization and movement.

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Here's Malcolm at the pulpit, describing government attempts to frighten Muslims.

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