In the Brave New America, little brother could be listening, too
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Please note that by playing this clip YouTube and Google will place a long term cookie on your computer.
Our warnings about the militarization of the police sure seem relevant when the police conduct military training operations on US soil, in the heart of our urban areas.
Uh oh. The powers that be in Massachusetts want prosecutors and police to have much more freedom to intercept our phone calls and electronic communications. And they are bringing out the big guns to push their demands -- literally. The nation's rampant gun violence crisis, they say, requires new state powers.
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You’ve probably heard about Facebook’s new graph search feature. Like so many other Facebook innovations, the tool has the potential to be a privacy disaster. What does it do?
President Obama's inaugural address made him sound like a new man. "We, the people, still believe that enduring security and lasting peace do not require perpetual war," he said. He told us that "a decade of war" is ending under his watch.
Working for an amazing organization like the ACLUm provides many perks, among them great health and dental benefits. I went to the dentist last week and was asked to fill out a bunch of forms. One of them was an acknowledgement of receipt of the dentist's privacy policy, which was attached. Since I'm a data dork, I read the privacy policy. On the top of the second page I found this paragraph, ominously titled "NATIONAL SECURITY:"
It reads: