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The Obama legacy: assassinations and vacuum style electronic surveillance

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Don't miss the above clip, with investigative blogger Marcy Wheeler on the US administration's assassination regime. Wheeler reminds us that when asked if the DOJ thought it legally justifiable to assassinate US citizens without due process on American soil, officials didn't provide a definitive answer.

Meanwhile, NSA whistleblower Bill Binney says that the US government possesses "trillions" of records of domestic communications between Americans. As far as we understand it, that kind of broad, warrantless snooping has thus far been contained to the military's NSA — even if that agency later shared it with the FBI, it likely came through NSA first. But now the Senate Select Intelligence Committee wants to give the FBI the power to read our emails and listen to our phone calls, all without a warrant. The ACLU sued the government to find out how the DOJ is interpreting Section 215 of the Patriot Act, but the judge threw the case out because of "State Secrets".

Watch the video below, with the ACLU's Michelle Richardson and NSA whistleblower Bill Binney.

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Here's a reminder of what it actually looks like when an FBI agent snoops through your emails, web chats and Facebook data, or listens to your Skype calls.

Read more about NSA warrantless snooping, and drones.

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