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What can you do?

Now that the elections are over, we must gear up to make an impact on Congress and the White House in the coming months.  We should also be preparing to take local actions that move human and constitutional rights back onto the political agenda. 

For ideas, check out the kinds of organizing that is already going on around the country to stop the Administration’s policy of assassination-by-drone.  You can express your outrage by signing the “Stop the deadly drone war!” petition

For state actions opposing the indefinite detention provisions of the NDAA, Republican legislators in Texas are showing the way by filing a bill against them.  You can demand that Congress ban these provisions by signing this petition

You can also educate your friends and demand accountability from the government by circulating these two memes (above and below), putting them on your Facebook page and helping us ensure they go viral. 

© 2025 ACLU of Massachusetts.