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Search Results for ‘fusion center’ — 173 articles

  • Easing Jurisdictional Boundaries

    In the emerging national security surveillance state, clear lines of authority and the division of labor that once defined relations among federal, state and local law enforcement agencies have been blurred and sometimes abandoned altogether. Today, the emphasis is on sharing information...

  • Troubling Post-9/11 Government Operations Targeting Muslims

    FBI Profiling On November 9, 2001, the Department of Justice announced that it was circulating a list to the newly-created anti-terrorism task forces of 5,000 foreign men from specific but unnamed countries to be located and interviewed. Five months later, it added...

  • Suspicious Activity Reporting

    Listen to Minnesota Public Radio on Suspicious Activity Reporting: There are two kinds of post 9/11 “Suspicious Activity Reports.”  First, the term was applied to the flagging of “questionable” financial transactions that could indicate terrorist funding.  Nearly a million “SARs” are issued...

  • Video

    I. Technologies of Control II. Long-form Investigations on Spying III. The National Security Agency (NSA) IV. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) V. Fusion Centers & State and Local Intelligence Operations EXCLUSIVE PrivacySOS videos: Please note that by playing these clips You Tube and Google...

  • Background Info & Outreach Materials

    “Mass Impact: The Domestic War on Terrorism in Massachusetts”  A report describing how the “War on Terror” has impacted ordinary Massachusetts residents. “When We Are All Suspects: a Backgrounder on Government Surveillance in Massachusetts” A whitepaper exploring the origin and development of...

  • Won’t spy for the feds? Good luck with that.

    We've been aware for some time now of the federal government's use of immigration threats to coerce people, largely Muslims, to inform on their communities. But now we have evidence that the feds are also using their unchecked powers to punish American citizens who refuse to become government informants. 

  • Targets of the Surveillance System: Activists

    Who else is under suspicion in the 21st century surveillance state? Leaked information and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits have revealed that in one sense little has changed since the days of COINTELPRO. Now, as then, peaceful, protected First Amendment activity...

  • Police data mining firm cuts big US military deal

    Data collection, sharing and mining firm i2 runs COPLINK software, used by police throughout the nation to share and analyze information. The company just scored a 9.6 million dollar deal with the US army to do the same work for the military.

  • Thursday technology link round-up

    • The intelligence community's research arm, Iarpa, wants to predict the future of, well, everything. Check out details on the far-out "Open Source Indicator Program." Darpa is currently running a similar program in Afghanistan.
  • Reports, Outreach Materials & Multimedia

    Read our report: Other resources: “Mass Impact: The Domestic War on Terrorism in Massachusetts”  A report describing how the “War on Terror” has impacted ordinary Massachusetts residents. “When We Are All Suspects: a Backgrounder on Government Surveillance in Massachusetts” A whitepaper exploring...

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