Wyden: “The government’s authority is limitless.”
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A new Washington Post/ABC news poll finds that over half of the US population thinks the NSA’s surveillance programs make either little difference in aiding the country's national security, or actively hurt it.
The big NSA spying news this week is that analysts can spy on the communications and query the phone and internet records of people "three hops" away from a suspect. That means potentially hundreds of millions of people are under the NSA's microscope, to a degree that officials had previously never confirmed, or in some cases actively denied.
I appeared on HuffPo Live to discuss the ACLU's new report on license plate readers. Check out the report here.
The John Adams Court House, Boston, Massachusetts. Photo credit: Massachusetts Judicial Branch
By Jessie Rossman, staff attorney
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Ann Cavoukian, the Information and Privacy Commissioner of the Ottawa government, is my new hero. Watch her break it down in the video above: why metadata matters.