“Our media consume us, and spit in the government’s cup.”
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The ACLU and the Center for Constitutional Rights are suing the CIA and the Department of Defense over the extrajudicial killing of three US citizens. Read more about that suit here.
Above: Abdulrahman Al-Aulaqi, a 16 year old US citizen killed in a US extrajudicial drone strike
The American public rarely encounters the faces and names of those we vaporize with our drones.
Back in July 2010 The Washington Post warned us about the stealth creation of a sprawling, underground, billions of dollars rich shadow government: Top Secret America.
Police at the RNC in 2008, credit Andrew Ciscel
The sprawling, secretive intelligence bureaucracy has admitted that it violated the Fourth Amendment rights of some unspecified number of US persons -- once.
On Saturday 21 July 2012 police in Anaheim, CA shot to death a man officers say was running from them. People from the dead man's community staged an impromptu protest to confront what one community organizer called his "extrajudicial" killing at the hands of police. This is what happened next:
"In effect, the United States of America was turned into the equivalent of a foreign nation for the purpose of dragnet electronic surveillance, on a very wide scale."
- NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake
Part two:
NSA whistleblower Bill Binney delivered the keynote address at the HOPE 9 hackers conference in New York City in early July 2012. Watch the longtime NSA cryptographer discuss what he views as the agency's moral collapse, above.