State commission finds mandatory minimums for drug offenses should be scrapped
From the State House News service:
America's police kill roughly one person a day. All eyes are once again on #Ferguson
The Daily Beast reports that the US military (read: NSA) is having a hard time tracking ISIS members because ISIS is doing a good job maintaining operational security. These fighters are working hard to evade NSA spying, using encryption and commercially available software that lets them email each other on local networks, avoiding the NSA-tapped global internet.
Muckrock user Evan Anderson sent a public records request to the Boston Police Department asking for records of communication between BPD and the NSA. Here's what the BPD (finally) wrote back:
This is what happens when public agencies are (forced to be) transparent with the public about their surveillance practices: Accountability!
FBI director James Comey
Frank Ancona, the leader of the Klu-Klux-Klan in St. Louis, told MSNBC's Chris Hayes that his "friends" have been talking to area law enforcement about Ferguson protests, and that the police are frustrated. Ancona said the Klan could use "lethal force" against Darren Wilson protesters he calls "criminals."
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