Occupy Boston: Teach-in on internet anonymity
Please go to this important teach-in if you are in the Boston area on October 22, 2011. It's not run by the ACLUm, but looks like the content will be right up our privacy-obsessed alley! Share widely!
Please go to this important teach-in if you are in the Boston area on October 22, 2011. It's not run by the ACLUm, but looks like the content will be right up our privacy-obsessed alley! Share widely!
The Boston Police Department raided the second Occupy Boston encampment early this morning. The City of Boston and Boston Police haven't been clear about why they did so, while leaving the other camp at Dewey Square park alone.
In case you missed it, please take a look at the following, important investigative journalism exposing NYPD surveillance of Muslims, for no reason other than the fact that they are Muslims.
In the worst possible idea I've heard this week, Canada's conservative government plans to push through a so-called "Lawful Access" rule that would allow police unrestricted, warrantless access to every bit of data that flows across Canada's internet protocols. Wow.
A coalition has formed to oppose this dangerous measure. And they produced a very good video explaining why. Check it out.
Read our latest Civil Liberties Update and you will learn some new facts to astonish your family and friends.